• HIRG Group Photo
  • Magnetic Stress-Driven Phase Transition in CrN
  • Quasiclassical Anderson Localization in ScN
  • Radiative Cooling Paint
  • High Hole Mobility in p-type ScN
  • Artificial Photonic Synapse
  • Coexistence of Infrared Plasmonics and Thermoelectricity in YbN
  • Electronic Transport in Ultrathin ScN
  • Guhantara Trip
  • javascript slideshow
  • Skandagiri Trekking
HIRG Group Photo1 Magnetic Stress-Driven Phase Transition in CrN2 Quasiclassical Anderson Localization in ScN3 Radiative Cooling Paint4 High Hole Mobility in p-type ScN5 Artificial Photonic Synapse6 Coexistence of Infrared Plasmonics and Thermoelectricity in YbN7 Electronic Transport in Ultrathin ScN8 Guhantara Trip9 Jungle Trailz Trip10 Skandagiri Trekking11
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Welcome to Heterogeneous Integration Research Group: We are a research group in the International Centre for Materials Science (ICMS), and Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit (CPMU) of Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore INDIA, led by Dr. Bivas Saha. We believe research in basic sciences, and development of smart technologies can solve most of the important and pressing challenges of our society as well as create wealth and opportunity for all of us.

Our group is focused on the development of novel functional and artificially structured materials, understand and engineer their energy transport and conversion mechanism, and develop devices for applications in energy harvest and energy efficient electronic systems such as in thermoelectrics, plasmonics and energy efficient computing. Our vision is to drastically reduce energy consumption in electronics and optoelectronics, as well as develop highly efficient energy conversion devices, which will help our nation achieve energy security as well as address climate change.

Please feel free to browse through various aspects of our research and educational program. We hope you will find something interesting and visit us again.

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News & Highlights

January: Prof. Saha delivered an invited talk in 4th Frontier Symposium in Physics in IISER TVM.

December: Sourav and Debmalya presented poster in QMAT, IIT Guwahati.

December: Prof. Saha delivered a talk and Prasanna presented poster in MRS Fall Meeting, 2024 in Boston.

November: Rahul's manuscript is accpepted in Advanced Materials.

November: Prasanna's manuscript is accpepted in Science Advences. Congrats!

November: Mr. Joy Dhar joined HIRG as Project assistent. Welcome!