
Heterogeneous Integration Research Group employs a combination of experimental and modeling (theoretical) techniques to deposit materials, characterize them and perform measurements. While some of these tools are available within the laboratory, others are accessed through shared facilities. The group also work with a range collaborators around the world on interesting research projects.

  • Nitride Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
  • High Resolution Thin Film XRD & Physical Vapour Deposition
  • Nanofabrication Laboratory @ JNCASR
  • TITAN and Tecnai Transmission Electron Microscopy
  • QUANTA 3D Scanning Electron Microscope
Nitride Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)1 High Resolution Thin Film XRD & Physical Vapour Deposition2 Nanofabrication Laboratory @ JNCASR3 TITAN and Tecnai Transmission Electron Microscopy4 QUANTA 3D Scanning Electron Microscope5
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