News & Highlights

February: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Plasmonic Breakdown in Transdimensional HfN.

February: Bidesh's manuscript on Optical manipulation of electron transport in CrN is accpepted for publication in Physical Review B. Congrats!

January: Prof. Saha delivered an invited talk in 4th Frontier Symposium in Physics in IISER TVM.

***** 2024 ******

December: Sourav and Debmalya presented poster in QMAT, 2024 in IIT Guwahati.

December: Prof. Saha delivered a talk on "Polaritonic Nitrides for Near-UV-to-Far-Infrared Nanophotonics" and Prasanna presented a poster in MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 2024.

December: Prasanna delivered a talk and Sourav and Debmalya presented poster in In-House-Symposium, JNCASR, 2024. Prasanna and Debmalya received the best talk and best poster award, respectively. Congrats!

December: Rahul's manuscript on Thermionic Emission in Elemental Metal/Compound Semiconductor Superlattices is accpepted for publication in Advanced Materials. Congrats!

November: Prasanna's manuscript on Electron confinement induced plasmonic breakdown is accpepted for publication in Science Advences. Congrats!

November: Mr. Joy Dhar joined HIRG as Project assistent. Welcome!

October: Debmalya's manuscript on Flexible Near-Infrared Plasmon-Polaritons in ScN is accpepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congrats!

October: HIRG group tour at Rocksport, Bangalore.

September: Sourav's manuscript on Scattering mechanism of electrons in ScN is accpepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congrats!

August: Prasanna's collaborative work with Dr. Sujit Das is published in ACS Appl. Nano Mater.

August: HIRG Group Dinner at Bamboo Restaurant.

August: Sourav received Karnataka DST Nanoscience Fellowship Award. Congrats!

August: Prasanna participated in an exhibition in Bengaluru India Nano Conference 2024.

August: Mr. Anupam Bera and Ms. Anwesha Bera joined HIRG as PhD student. Welcome!

July: Rahul joined University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA as a Graduate Student. All the best!

July: HIRG Group Dinner at The Peak.

June: Rahul succesfully defendend his Master's thesis. Congrats!

May: Dr. Nidhi and Sourav's manuscript on Exciton Luminescence is accpepted for publication in Chemistry of Materials. Congrats!

May: Mr. Subhajit Manna, Ms. Diksha Dadhich, Ms. Sutopa Modak, Mr. Niranjan Jayaprakash, and Ms. Sampriti Ghosh joined HIRG as summer intern. Welcome!

April: HIRG Group Dinner @House of Commons.

April: Dheemahi's Indian patent on Artificial Synaptic Devices is granted. Congrats!

April: Dheemahi succesfully defendend her PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Dheemahi!

April: Dheemahi's manuscript on Quasiclassical Anderson Localization in ScN is accpepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B. Congrats!

March: HIRG Group Tour to Ooty.

February: Dr. Saha delivered a talk on "Functional nitride thin films and Superlattices for thermoelectric applications" at Indo-German Workshop on Thermoelectric Devices for emerging applications, IISER, Thiruvananthapuram, 2024.

February: Bidesh succesfully defendend his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Bidesh Biswas !

February: Prasanna delivered a talk on "Ultra-emissive Polymer Nanocomposite Paint for Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling" in International Workshop on Advanced Materials (IWAM), Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, 2024.

January: Dr. Saha delivered a talk on "Magnetic Stress-driven metal-insulator phase transition in Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials" at Department of Physics, IISER Pune, 2024.

January: Prasanna participated in Science Exhibition at India Interanational Science Festival, Faridabad, 2024.

January: Dr. Saha delivered a talk on "Magnetic Stress as a New Chauffeur of Metal-Insulator Transition" at International Conference on Functional Materials, IIT Kharagpur, 2024.

January: Ms. Renuka Manish Karanje joins HIRG as a PhD Student. Welcome!

***** 2023 ******

December: Sourav presented a poster in International Winter School, 2023 and won the best poster award.Congrats!

December: Dr. Saha delivered a talk and Bidesh presented a poster at “14th APCTP-Academy-JNCASR joint meeting on Quantum Materials" organized by JNCASR, 2023.

November: Dheemahi delivered her thesis colloquium talk. Congrats!

November: Rahul presented a topic seminar talk on Topological Insulator in JNCASR.

November: Debmalya presented a poster in In-house Symposium, 2023 in JNCASR.

November: Rahul and Renuka presented a poster in "Joint International Workshop on Energy and Sustainability", held in JNCASR and received the best poster award. Congrats!

November: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Radiative Cooling Paint.

October: Ms. Hima Bindu Tadi joined HIRG as a GRIP student. Welcome!

October: Debmalya's manuscript on Ultrathin ScN is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters. Congrats!

October: HIRG group tour @ Guhantara Resort and birthday celebration.

October: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Magnetic Stress-driven metal-insulator transition in CrN.

October: HIRG Group Dinner @Oia.

September: Prasanna presented a poster in Industry-Academia Meet, JNCASR, 2023.

September: Prasanna presented a talk and Sourav and Rahul presented poster in CPMU Unit Day, JNCASR, 2023.

September: Prasanna's manuscript on radiative cooling paint is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials Technologies. Congrats!

September: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Engineering Hole Mobility in Strained p-type ScN.

September: Deeksha joins University of Basel, Switzerland as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Begona Abad Mayor. Congrats!

August: Sourav's manuscript on ScN is accepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congrats!

August: Bidesh's manuscript on magnetic stress driven transition in CrN is accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Congrats!

August: Ms. Renuka Manish Karanje joins HIRG as a PGDMS student. Welcome!

August: Mr. Aritra Dey joins HIRG as a Ph.D. student. Welcome!

August: Dr. Krishna's collaborative work with Dr. R. Viswanatha is published in J. Phys. Chem. C.

July: Sourav presented a poster in NAMMA Psi-k workshop, JNCASR, 2023.

July: Ankit successfully defended his PGDMS thesis.

July: Mehak's manuscript on plasmonic and thermoelectric ytterbium nitride is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

July: Engineering students from Alliance University visit our laboratory.

July: Ankit joins TU Dresden, Germany as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Bernd Buchner. Congrats!

June: Dheemahi presented a poster in IUMRS-ICAM & ICMAT Conference, Singapore, 2023.

June: Prasanna and Debmalya attented Q-Karyashala workshop on 27-28th June, 2023 organized by Quantum Research Park in Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.

June: HIRG Group Dinner @Peepai.

June: Dr. Saha is promoted to Associate Professor. Congrats!

June: Dr. Krishna's manuscript on Ferrell-Berreman mode is selected as Editor's Pick in Applied Physics Letters.

June: Sourav presents poster in "Virtual School on Many-body Calculations using EPW and BerkeleyGW" organized by University of Texas, Austin.

May: Dr. Krishna's manuscript on Ferrell-Berreman mode is accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.

May: Ms. Kashish Kapoor joins HIRG as summer intern. Welcome!

May: Dr. Krishna joins University of Wurzburg as a Post-doctoral Fellow under supervision of Prof. Sven Hofling. All the best!

May: Deeksha succesfully defendend her Master's thesis.

April: HIRG Group Dinner @Shegan Gasropub.

April: Dr. Krishna delivers a short scientific talk on Light-Matter Interactions at In-House SAMat meet, JNCASR.

April: Krishna succesfully defendend his PhD thesis. Congrats Dr. Krishna Chand Maurya !

April: Dr. Nidhi Pandey joins IIT Delhi as a Post-doctoral Fellow. All the best!

March: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk at "Advances in Heat Generation by Direct and Indirect Methods for Aerosol Production" in India Tobacco Division at ITC LSTC, 2023.

March: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk at “Advances in Low-dimensional Materials for Optoelectronic and Nano Devices" (ALMOND 2023) organized by Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, 2023.

February: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk in International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Ras Al-Khamiah, 2023.

February: Krishna's Book chapter on Plasmon and Phonon Polaritons is published by World Scientific.

February: Deeksha's manuscript on Artificial Synapse accepted for publication in Nanoscale Horizons.

January: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Artifical Synapse.

January: Dheemahi's manuscript on Schottky diode accepted for publication in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.

January: Ms. Mehak Loyal joins HIRG as a PhD Student.

***** 2022 ******

December: Krishna submitted his PhD thesis - "Light-Matter Interactions: Plasmon & Phonon Polaritons in Refractory Nitrides for Nanophotonics". Congrats!

December: HIRG Group Dinner @Flyover Drinkery.

December: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Surface Polaritons.

December: Dheemahi's manuscript on artifical synaptic devices accepted for publication in Advanced Electronic Materials.

December: Prasanna receives Gold Medals from Banaras Hindu University (BHU) for securing first position at M.Sc. Physics Final Examination 2020. Congrats!

December: Krishna's manuscript on Surface polaritons accepted for publication in Nano Letters.

November: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk, and Prasanna and Mehak present poster in JNC In-House Symposium, 2022 .

November: HIRG Group Dinner @Geometry Gastropub.

October: Deeksha and Prasanna participated in JNC Research Conference on Chemistry of Materials, JNCASR, 2022. Prasanna presented a poster.

October: Birthday celebration in HIRG.

October: Dr. Rajendra Kumar joins Purdue University, USA as a Post-doctoral fellow. All the best!

October: Mehak presents a poster in CPMU Unit Day, 2022.

September: Prasanna's work accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces.

August: Dr. Saha appointed as an Editor and Editorial Board Member in Solid State Communications.

August: Mr. Ankit Kumar joins HIRG as a PGDMS Student, Welcome.

August: Mr. Debmalya Mukhopadhyay joins HIRG as a PhD Student, Welcome.

July: Krishna's manuscript on dual band absorption accepted for publication in Materials Today Physics.

July: Department of Science & Technology (DST) highlights our recent work on Polaritons.

July: Ms. Mehak Loyal joins HIRG as a R & D Assistant, Welcome.

June: Krishna's manuscript on polaritons accepted for publication in Nano Letters.

June: HIRG group tour @ Jungle Trailz

May: Mr. Rahul Singh Rawat joins HIRG as a summer intern, Welcome.

May: Dheemahi's manuscript accpepted for publication in ACS Applied Energy Materials.

March: Dr. Nidhi Shukla joins HIRG as a SERB NPDF, Welcome.

March: Dr. Saha receives the Sheikh Saqr Career Award Fellowship.

March: Dr. Saha serves as a representative for the all India JEST Examination.

March: Dheemahi's collaborative work with Dr. M. Gupta (UGC-DAE) published in Materialia.

February: Krithika and Rajendra's manuscript accpepted for publication in Phys. Stat. Solidi, Rapid Research Letters.

February: Krithika and Rajendra's manuscript accpepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B.

February: Bidesh's manuscript accepted in Acta Materialia.

***** 2021 ******

December: Prasanna's manuscript accepted in ACS Applied Energy Materials.

December: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk in Materials Research Society India.

December: HIRG group dinner @ Byg Brewski

December: Sourav receives prestigious SPM Fellowship. Congrats!

December: Prasanna and Bidesh present poster in the ICMS Winter School, 2021.

December: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk in Materials Research Meeting, Japan, 2021.

November: Dheemahi and Bidesh present poster in JNC In-house Symposium, 2021.

November: Bidesh's work on in-plane metal/semiconductor heterostructure accepted in Phys. Rev. Materials.

October: HIRG group dinner @ Kasipu

October: Krithika Upadhya joins Hind High Vacuum as a Research Scientist and Shashidhara Acharya joins A*STAR in Singapore as a Staff Scientist. We wish both of them all the best!

September: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk in the meV-Resolved Inelastic X-ray Scattering Workshop.

September: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk in the Satyendra Nath Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. Thanks to Prof. P. Mahadevan and Dr. Nitesh Kumar. September: Bidesh presents a talk at the CPMU Unit Day.

September: HIRG group dinner @ Absolute BBQ

August: Sourav Rudra joins HIRG as a Ph.D. student, Welcome.

August: Sneha Kobri joins HIRG as a Project Assistant, Welcome.

August: Lingesh Guru Priyan joins HIRG as a SERB Intern, Welcome.

August: HIRG group trek @ Skandagiri

July: Rajendra's paper accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Materials.

June: Krishna's manuscript on hyperbolic photonic dispersion in BiSe Selected as Editor's Pick in Appl. Phys. Lett.

June: Krishna's manuscript on hyperbolic photonic dispersion in BiSe is accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2021).

June: Shashidhara's manuscript on Twined growth of ScN is accepted for publication in Mater. Res. Bull. (2021).

June: Deeksha Sharma joins HIRG as a summer intern, Welcome.

May: Watch Dr. Bivas Saha's Coffee Hour Interview with Nanotechnology Students Advisory Council, Purdue University.

May: Krithika's manuscript in APL selected as Editor's Pick.

May: Krithika's manuscript on carrier compensation in AlScN accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2021).

April: HIRG receives a research grant from Ras Al Khaimah Centre for Advanced Materials to develop Radiative Cooling Technology.

March: Krithika's manuscript on rare-earth ErN accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2021).

January: Rajendra's paper in JAP choosen as a Featured Article.

January: Krishna's mansucript on plasmonics and ENZ metamaterial accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2021).

January: Rajendra's paper on Clustering of oxygen point defects accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. (2021)

January: Prasanna Das joins HIRG as a Ph.D. Student, Welcome!

***** 2020 ******

November: Sourjyadeep presents a poster and Krishna gives a oral presentation in JNC In-house, 2020..

November: Dheemahi and Bidesh's manuscript is accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett (2020).

September: Sourjyadeep's mansucript on phononic bandgap published as Editor's Pick in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2020).

September: Krishna's manuscript on plasmonics accepted for publication in Optical Materials Express. (2020).

August: Dr. Saha receives Young Scientist Research Award from Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences of Department of Energy, India.

August: Dr. Saha elected as a Associate of the Indian Academy of Sciences (2020).

July: Shashidhara's paper on MBE-deposited AlScN accepted for publication on Bull. Mater. Sci. (2020).

June: Bidesh's paper published in Journal of Vacuum of Science and Technology A (2020).

April 2020: Dheemahi and Bidesh's paper selsected as Editor's Pick in APL.

March 2020: Dheemahi and Bidesh's work on Thermoelectricity in MBE-deposited ScN is accepted in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2020).

Februnary 2020: HIRG group members participate in National Science Day.

***** 2019 ******

December 2019: HIRG Invites Applications for a DST-SERB Project Assistant. Please visit JNCASR webpage for more details.

December 2019: Dheemahi and Shashidhara's Book chapter is published.

December 2019: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk, and Bidesh and Shashidhara Presents Posterin ICMS Winter School 2019.

November 2019: Sanjay's work on the Schottky Barrier Height of TiN/AlScN Superlattices accepted in Appl. Phys. Lett. (2019)

October 2019: Bidesh and Shashidhara presents posters in JNC In-house Symposuim 2019.

September 2019: Magnus, Bidesh and Dheemahi's manuscript on Metal/Semiconductor Superlattices accepted for publication in J. Mat. Sci. (2019)

September 2019: HIRG receives the SERB Start-Up Research Grant.

September 2019: Bidesh presents an poster on thermoelectric ScN in the Chemistry of Materials Conference in Kerala.

August 2019: Dr. Saha is teaching JNC: 208 Characterization of Materials in Fall 2019 Semester.

August 2019: Sourjyadeep's proposal for synchrotron experiment is accepted in Spring-8 Japan. Proposal for experimental support is accepted from Nanomission, Gov. of India.

July 2019: Dr. Saha receives International Travel Award from SERB, DST India.

June 2019: Dr. Saha presents two presentations (a) Schottky Barrier Height in TiN/AlScN superlattices and (b) Rigid-band electronic structure of ScN in ICMAT 2019 at Singapore.

May 2019: Dr. Saha presents an invited talk on metal/semiconductor superlattices in ICMCTF 2019 in San Diego, CA, USA.

May 2019: Reduction of adhesive force in NEMS switches with branched organic molecule is published in AIP Advances, 2019.

April 2019: Krishna and Bidesh's paper on Plasmon-Phonon Coupling in ScN is accepted for Publication in Phys. Status. Solidi Rapid Research Letters.

April 2019: Dr. Shashidhara Acharya joins HIRG as a Research Associate. Welcome!

April 2019: Indrajit Shriwastav and Avari Roy joins HIRG as Summer Research Students. Welcome!

March 2019: Sanjay's manuscript on "Rigid band electronic structure of ScN" is acceptted for publication in Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication.

March 2019: Dr. Saha presents an invited Talk in Indus Synchrotron User Meeting in RRCAT, Indore and UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore

March 2019: UHV Magnetron sputtering machine is installed.

March 2019: Joint HIRG and MBE lab group tour @ Bannerghata National Park

February 2019: Dr. Saha presents an invited Talk in Ras Al Khaimah International Center for Advanced Materials (2019)

February 2019: Dr. Saha presents invited Talks in RV College of Enginnering and mLAC College of Engineering in Bangalore

February 2019: Krishna and Shashidhara presents posters in Chemistry and Physics of Materials Conference in Bangalore

***** 2018 ******

December 2018: December: Bidesh's manuscript on "Development of Semiconducting ScN" is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Materials.

December 2018: HIRG Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019.

December 2018: Bidesh Biswas Joins HIRG as a Ph.D. Student!

December 2018: Krishna presents a Poster in International Winter School 2018.

November 2018: Dr. Saha delivered invited presentations in (a) 1st SAMat Retreat in Dandeli, (b) JNCASR In-House Symposium 2018 and (c) CNR Rao Hall of Science.

November 2018: Krishna and Dheemahi presents posters in JNCASR In-House Symposium, 2018.

November 2018: HIRG Group Lunch at The Black Pearl With the Pirates.

October 2018: Dr. Saha delivered an invited presentation in 14th JNCASR Conference on Chemistry of Materials, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, October 5th, 2018.

October 2018: Dr. Saha along with other plenary speakers and with the Dean of Science in UIS, Colombia Newspaper.

September 2018: Dr. Saha delivered a plenary talk at International Science Week in Industrial University of Santander, Colombia.

August 2018: Mr. Sourjyadeep Chakraborty & Mr. Krishna Chand Maurya, join HIRG as Ph.D student. Welcome!

June 2018: Our Book chapter on "Epitaxial Nitride Thin Film and Heterostructures: From Hard Coating to Solid State Energy Conversion" is accepted for publication in "Coatings and Thin-Film Technologies" published by IntechOpen 2018. Congrats to Dr. Shashidhara Acharya.

May 2018: Miss. Dheemahi joins HIRG as a summer student. Welcome!

May 2018: The HIRG new student office construction is completed.

April 2018: Our invited review paper on metal/semiconductor superlattices is published in Applied Physics Review as Editor's Pick and Feature Article.

April 2018: Our work on VO2 switches is published as Featured Article in Small.

March 2018: Dr. Saha presented an invited talk in the Thin Film Physics Division of the Linkoping University, Sweden. Thanks to Dr. Magnus Garbrecht for a joint successful STINT Project.

March 2018: Mr. Bidesh Biswas joins HIRG as research assistant. Welcome!

January 2018: Heterogeneous Integration Research Group is established in JNCASR